DAMUNE S.L - Tienda Gourmet


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World's Chilies Powder: Chipotle, Ancho, Red Jalapeño, Red Savina, Scorpion Trinidad Butch T, Bhut Jolokia, Carolina Reaper.

Carolina Reaper, world’s hottest chili, has a sweet and fruity flavour.

Bhut Jolokia, also known as Ghost Pepper, this extremely hot chili has a sweet and fruity flavour.

Scorpion Trinidad Butch-T is a fruity and extremely spicy habanero chili.

Red Savina is an extremely spicy habanero with a fruity, apricot-like flavour and a floral aroma.

Jalapeño Red, very aromatic and light to moderately spicy. It achieves a perfect balance between its flavour and that of the stew or preparation.

Chipotle peppers are smoked, dired Jalapeños. Use in very small doses and with extreme care.

Ancho is the dried version of the poblano pepper, adds a smoky and fruity flavor to all kinds of Mexican food. Add it to sauces, soups and marinades to enhance their flavour.

Glass jar: 45g/each, With twist-off lid (thus preventing the contact with the air and foreign elements). Size: 5*5*6.7cms. 
Keep in a cool and dry place.

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